VAT rates for goods and services are determined by the provisions of article 21 and annex III of the Greek VAT Code (Law 2859/2000), as cited below. In summary, to help our members us better understand, we point out the following:

1. For the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Kos, Leros and Samos, the VAT rate falls by 30%, which means that the standard 24% VAT rate falls to 17% for goods which:
i. are located on those islands and are delivered by a subject located on those islands;
ii. are shipped for sale to those islands by a person liable to VAT, located at any part of Greece, to a buyer liable to VAT or a legal person non-liable to VAT, located on those islands;
iii. are sent or shipped to a person liable to VAT or a legal person non-liable to VAT, located on those islands, as part of an intra-Community acquisition of goods;
iv. are imported to those islands, at the moment VAT becomes chargeable.
Therefore, private individuals (persons non-liable to VAT) persons non-liable to VAT.

2. In case we invoice remotely provided services, we inform consumers that the standard 24% VAT rate applies regardless of the area, in accordance with the provisions of the VAT Code (Law 2859/2000) since the services are provided remotely by our company. This category includes shipping costs, which are probably invoiced on sales notes.